

Scala framework for Object Storage

View the Project on GitHub zengularity/benji

Use Benji with Play Framework.

This documentation is about the integration of Benji with Play Framework.

Add to your dependencies

The latest version of this plugin is for Play 2.6+, and can be enabled by adding the following dependency in your build.sbt.

// only for Play 2.6.x
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.zengularity" %% "benji-play" % "2.2.0-play26"

// only for Play 2.7.x
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.zengularity" %% "benji-play" % "2.2.0-play27"

// only for Play 2.8.x
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.zengularity" %% "benji-play" % "2.2.0-play28"

Then it’s also required to enable the wanted backend, e.g. for S3:

val benjiVer = 2.2.0

libraryDependencies ++= Seq("play", "s3").map { mod =>
  "com.zengularity" %% s"benji-${mod}" % benjiVer,


The dependency injection can be configured, so that the your controllers can be given ObjectStorage instances.

To do so, first, add the line bellow to application.conf:

play.modules.enabled += "play.modules.benji.BenjiModule"

Then use the Play’s dependency injection mechanism to resolve an instance of ObjectStorage, as an interface to the configured storage.

import javax.inject.Inject

import play.api.mvc.{ AbstractController, ControllerComponents }

import com.zengularity.benji.ObjectStorage

class MyController @Inject() (
  components: ControllerComponents,
  val storage: ObjectStorage
) extends AbstractController(components) {

  // ...

Compile-time dependency injection

The trait BenjiComponents define the contract for compile-time dependency injection.

The class BenjiFromContext is one implementation of this trait to ease compile-time integration.

import play.api.ApplicationLoader

import com.zengularity.benji.ObjectStorage

import play.modules.benji._

class MyComponent1(
  context: ApplicationLoader.Context,
  name: String // Name of the storage config (see next section)
) extends BenjiFromContext(context, name) {
  // can be a Controller, a Play custom Module, ApplicationLoader ...

  def httpFilters: Seq[play.api.mvc.EssentialFilter] = ???
  def router: play.api.routing.Router = ???

def foo(my: MyComponent1): ObjectStorage = my.benji // resolved storage

When using Play dependency injection for a controller, the injected routes need to be enabled by adding routesGenerator := InjectedRoutesGenerator to your build.

In case the component class must implements several Play contracts, then the base trait BenjiComponentsFromInjector.

import play.api.ApplicationLoader

import com.zengularity.benji.ObjectStorage

import play.modules.benji._

abstract class OtherComponentsFromContext(
  context: ApplicationLoader.Context
) extends play.api.BuiltInComponentsFromContext(context) {
  // other components

class MyComponent2(
  context: ApplicationLoader.Context,
  val name: String, // Name of the storage config (see next section)
  val parsedUri: // Benji URI for this component
) extends OtherComponentsFromContext(context) with BenjiComponentsWithInjector {
  // can be a Controller, a Play custom Module, ApplicationLoader ...

  def benjiInjector = new play.modules.benji.PlayInjector(injector)
  def httpFilters: Seq[play.api.mvc.EssentialFilter] = ???
  def router: play.api.routing.Router = ???

def bar(my: MyComponent2): ObjectStorage = my.benji // resolved storage

Multiple storages

In your Play application, you can use Benji with multiple storage backends (possibly with different kinds of storage and/or account), using the @NamedStorage annotation.

Consider the following configuration, with several storage URIs.

# The default URI
benji.uri = "s3:https://..."

# Another one, named with 'bar' = "vfs:tmp:///"

Then the dependency injection can select the instances using the names.

import javax.inject.Inject

import com.zengularity.benji.ObjectStorage

import play.modules.benji.NamedStorage

class MyComponent @Inject() (
  val defaultStorage: ObjectStorage, // corresponds to 'benji.uri'
  @NamedStorage("bar") val barStorage: ObjectStorage // ''
) {


Configure your storage access

This module reads the connection properties from the application.conf and gives you an easy access to the connected database.

You can use the URI syntax to point to your storage:

benji.uri = "s3:https://..."

Each storage module provide a scheme support (e.g. s3:, vfs:, …; See modules documentation).

This is especially helpful on platforms like Heroku, where the add-ons publish the storage URI in a single environment variable (e.g. STORAGE_URI).

benji.uri = ${?STORAGE_URI}

To configure a storage instance different from the default one (corresponding the @NamedStorage("ANY_NAME") annotation), the key must be of the form mongodb.ANY_NAME.uri.

mongodb.ANY_NAME.uri = "..."

The Google and S3 modules also need that a StandaloneWSClient is provised in Play context.


See the examples directory