

Scala framework for Object Storage

View the Project on GitHub zengularity/benji


Release 2.2.0

Support Scala 3 (still minimal for Play modules)

Release 2.1.0

// For Benji Google
//Remove dependency on:

Release 2.0.5

Release 2.0.4

Release 2.0.3

Release 2.0.2

Release 2.0.1

Release 2.0.0

Release 1.3.3

Release 1.3.1

New VFS module

Release 1.3.0

Akka Stream migration (see Play Migration guide).

Release 1.2.x

The Bucket, Object and Bytes case classes are moved to the package

In the case class Bucket, the property creationDate is renamed to creationTime.

In the case class Object:

In the Bytes value class, the property inBytes is renamed to bytes.

In the WSS3 class;

The new ObjectRef interface;

The WSS3ObjectRef class is now an implementation of the generic ObjectRef.

The new BucketRef interface;

The new ObjectStorage trait implemented by WSS3;

The WSRequestBuilder has been refactored as a sealed trait. The related PreparedRequest case class is removed.

SLF4J is directly used for logging, instead of play.api.Logger.

The utility Iteratees is moved as, with the new consumeAtMost function (used for the Google module).